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    Abstract: In this study, layer-by-layer assembly was performed to prepare sodium alginate (SA) layer and walnut-peptide–chitosan (CS) bilayer composite films. Genipin was adopted to crosslink CS and walnut peptide. The properties of walnut peptide-CS-SA composite film were determined, and the influence of material ratio on the performance of composite film was explored. According to the results, the mechanical tensile property, oil absorption property, and water vapor barrier property of the composite film were improved with the presence of genipin. Moreover, the proportion of CS and walnut peptide had significant effects on color, transmittance, mechanical properties, barrier properties, and antioxidant properties of the composite films. Among them, the composite film containing 1% (w/v) CS, 1% (w/v) walnut peptide, and 0.01% (w/v) genipin showed the best

    performance, with a tensile strength of 3.65 MPa, elongation at break of 30.82%, water vapor permeability of 0.60 g.mm.m-2.h-1.kPa-1, oil absorption of 0.85%, and the three-phase electrochemistry of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging rate of 25.59%. Under this condition, the tensile property, barrier property, and oxidation resistance of the composite film are good, which can provide a good preservation effect for food, and has great application potential.








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